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We want people to use our work, but there are some important things you need to know before you do so.  Please click here to learn what you need to know and do (TERMS OF USE) if you wish to use our material.

Click on the desired topic area for posted articles and other available resources.  We will continually add resources as we finish posting existing material and as new learning happens.  Please submit new resources and learning to our Materials Development Committee.  The committee approves any material submitted for posting.



The information on this site remains the property of The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices or the person who created the material.  You may use this information without further permission so long as all materials reproduced or otherwise used acknowledge the author.  Where it says Smull & Allen please acknowledge The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices.  No materials may be sold for more than the cost of reproduction without the explicit consent of TLC for PCP or the specific author.  Where effective use of the materials requires training, do not use or support their use without the required training being provided. (For example, providing facilitator training without having successfully completed the course for facilitator trainers.)  Training information can be obtained from any learning community trainer.  If materials provided are adapted, expanded, or translated, a copy of the resulting materials should be reviewed by a trainer prior to use and must be provided electronically to TLC for PCP and may be shared at their discretion.


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©The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices
Website by Stonebridge Design